This is my webpage for GITA 1. We
are studying C#. Its my second year of computer
science. It difficult to learn but its what I
call hard fun.

About Page


This project is about a unique, made-up website that shows the logo of the store, background-history , and the trademark/slogan. You can also change color and font or trademark/slogan

Mailing Label


This project allows you to input information in order to send out mail

Car Rental


This project allows you to rent a car and tell you how many miles you have driven, days of usage, your total cost and more

BMI Project


This project asks you to input your height and weight and it calculates which catergory you are in (underweight, healthy, overweight, or obese) and suggests a diet recommeneded for that category

Car Rental Upgrade


This project is the new, upgraded version of the original car rental project but includes the option of choosing your car

Triangle Checker


This project asks you to input the sides of a triangle and based off of that information, this project calculates what type of triangle you inputted has. This project also shows the statistics of how many triangles you have inputted with a certain angle and what type of triangle you have classified

Craps Game


This project is a game that you can play by yourself. It includes 2 dice and the object of the game is to win with a 7 or 11 on the first round. If not, win by rolling you "point"(equals your first dice roll)

Taco Shop


This project allows you to place a taco order! Choose from 3 types of tortilla shells and meat. Then the project will calculate your price and show you today's average sale, total sales, and total customers

Slot Machine


This project is another game that you can play by yourself. This project portrays a real slot machine game where you can bet money

Rock Paper Scissors


This project allows you to play rock paper scissors lizard spock with another person. Object of the game is to win and beat your opponent!

Incremental Game


This project is another game that is based on money. All you have to do is click the stack of bills and gain as much money as you can! Along the way, you can unlock and ugrade your clicker and also add an automatic clicker to increase your money!